Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dan Takes On Two Apprentices!

We are getting ready for the big show in NYC. My mom is on a much-needed vacation to Aruba with her childhood friends, after working around the clock on logistical stuff. Dan has been working on nickels and pennies for hours every day (last year we didn't have enough), and I have done my share, too, creating a few new pieces (including an Acorn Quarter Pendant) and putting together hundreds, if not thousands (or millions, hee hee), of pieces. :)

It's a lovely season here in Woodstock. The Fall has been vibrant and crisp. Yesterday Dan was doming nickels outside on a big rock.

The impact of the hammer causes the rock under the tool to turn to powder, thus leaving an indent that reminds me of Native American cooking rocks. It's pretty neat.

He has taken on two apprentices!

I took pictures in the studio recently when I was making some new pieces, but they didn't come out well enough to post. Sorry about that.

I hope you are enjoying this fine October!

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